Explore the fascinating Tribes of Omo Valley and Historical and Natural sites of North of Ethiopia to have the best cultural Experience

Day 1 Addis Ababa to Bahrdar
Drive from Adis Ababa to Bahrdar through Sululta plain with a scenic landscape of the Ethiopian highland. The drive will take us from Shewa region to Gojam region. We will have a stop at Debrelibanos where you will visit the Portuguese bridge and see the Jema Valley. Crossing on the dramatic landscape of the Blue Nile Gorge which is comparable to the Grand Canyon of America with a Depeth of more than 1000 M.
Overnight Bahrdar
Day 2 Bahir dar
Early morning after breakfast Walk to lake Tana port to take a boat ride to Ura Kidanmhiret Monastery . Lake Tana is the source of Blue Nile river it has refreshing air ,water birds, hippos and dozens of Islands. After arriving of Zegie Pensuela we take 30 min walk in forest and coffee plantation the main economy of the area to reach to the 14th C. monastery of Ura Kidane Mihret famous for its beautiful mural paintings and sacred religious Manuscript . On Lake Tana we will try to find Hippos. After lunch you will drive 30 Km to the Blue Nile Falls. If it is not on a rainy season we will do city tour of Bahir dar.
Overnight Hotel
Day 3 Gonder ( Bahradr – Gonder )
After Breakfast we drive to Gondar. The drive will take about 4 hrs. on a beautiful landscape of the countryside. Gonder city tour which includes the of the Royal Enclosure, featuring castles and buildings built by a succession of Ethiopian Emperors beginning in the early 17th century. After lunch we will Visit Debre Birhan Selassie church (Trinity) famous for its religious paintings and iconic ceiling depicting many angels. Drive in the center of Gonder to Swimming pool of King Fasil.
Overnight Gonder Hotel
Day 4 Simein Mountain Day Trip
Today is an early morning departure to Simien Mountains. Passing through Woleka Village or Felash village where Ethiopian Jews used to live before they left to Israel. Collect entrance permit, scout, and Guide from Debark Park office. Simene mountain national park is World Natural Site recorded by Unesco for its rare fauna and flora in the area.
The Beauty is Majestic while trekking on the escarpment of the mountain. We will also have viewing the endemic gelada baboon, famous for its bleeding heart Skin color skin on its chest and Big hair on the male . after a beautiful short trek in the beautiful landscape and a break to have picnic lunch we drive back to Gonder.
overnight Hotel
Day 5 Axum
After breakfast, Drive to the airport for Axum flight. Axum was the capital of Axumite Kingdom and the home of an ancient civilization. Axum is sacred land for Ethiopian Christians and the Holiest place because of The original Arc of Moses is believed to be placed in a small chapel inside of Zion Mary church. Tour the ancient stelae fields, the Archeological Museum, tombs of Kings, Archaeological sites, and the church of Axum Zion Mary.
Overnight Hotel
Day 6 Lalibela
Fly to Lalibela Where you will visit chucrhes that are carved out of a single rock. This chuches are from 13th c and built by Ethiopian king Lalibela. He is Considered as a saint by the Ethiopian Christians. Lalibela Built this 11 magnificent rock-hewn churches carving them out of a Volcanic bed rock after he saw a dream . He wanted this complex of church to be the second Jerusalem. Where he representing story of the bible and places of Jerusalem in his church complex. some of the churches are monolithic which means they are carved and separated from the bed rock. The most famous is church of St. George with its iconic Cross shape. Lalibela is UNESCO world heritage site and one of the best places to visit in the world.
over night Hotel in Lalibela
Day 7 Laliebal- Addis Ababa
Fly from Lalibela to Addis Ababa
We will drive you to Lalibela airport where you take the flight to Addis Ababa in the afternoon Addis Ababa city tour where you could can explore the National Museum to see lucy , A Visit to Entoto to have a panoramic view of the city, Holly trinity church , Merkato the biggest open air market in Africa.
Overnight Hotel In Addis Ababa
Day 8 Arbaminch
Drive Arbaminch from Addis Ababa
Early in the morning after breakfast we will start driving to Omo Valley. As we leave Addis to south. Gradually you will feel the Warm Temperature as we are leaving the higlands and descending in to the rift Valley . This first day Drive will take us through the Lands of Oromo, Gurage, Silte, welaita …. Alaba people to reach Arbaminch while enjoying the spectacular Landscapes and country side. You will Stops for photo on the way.
Side Trip to Dorze Village, Dorze people are found on Chencha highlands. They are much known for their finest weaving traditional Garment. Their village is one of the most densely populated areas in the country. As the land, they inhabit becoming smaller and smaller because of population growth. They are able to manage life very well by using their small plot of Land cropping Enset or False Banana tree which gives high yield and resistance to Drought. They also crop Tobacco. They’re distinctive in their Traditional Elephant like Cottage. Which looks like Elephant is so beautiful. You will walk in Dorze Village. Before arriving Arbaminch.
Overnight Hotel Hotel Arbaminch
Day 9 Drive Arbaminch to Jinka \ Thursday Key Afer Market day
Morning Visit Crocodile Market, It is actually not a real Market but it is where Hundreds of crocodile take a sun bath together, they lay on the ground and simply opening their big mouth to allow the regulation of their temperature. Some are more than 6 m long. Hippos, fish eagles and water birds are also common.
We leave Arbaminch to the Omo Valley Crossing the Derashe people Villages. We will stop by at Konso to visit the defensive walled Village of Konso. The Knoso people are well known as a hard Working people and their land Management system recorded by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
On the Drive towards Jinka you will also have the chance to see the Stemay people and Ari villages (who are more or less become modern now) and if it is Thursday We will visit the Key After Market to see the Bena and steamy People who are very similar to Hamer People .
Overnight camping/ hotel/ lodge
Day 10 Drive Jinka – Mursi – Turmi \ Saturday Market day Dimeka.
We will drive in to the Mago National park to reach the Mursi villages. On the road we will encounter many Mursis people standing or walking on the road.
Mursi’s are most famous by their more recognized Lip plates on their women’s and the different body decorations using anything from plants and flowers to anything that can be used. Children’s and men’s paint their body with different colorful clay and lime stone.
The Mursi’s are mixed Farmer but wrongly are considered as Nomads and as people who do frequently Move from place to place but the
Mursi’s have quit subsistence life. Mursi’s go to the omo river bank to farm Corn when the omo river over flow. They Follow the river side to plant their crop when it rain and Omo river become full they get back to their grazing land.
After having lunch in Jinka before driving to Turmi.
Overnight Turmi loadeg
Day 11 Turmi to Karo to
After breakfast in Turmi, we will drive to see the Kara tribes/people. Who is most famous for their colorful body paintings and most beautiful in Omo Valley. They use different colors of clay.
Our visit is to Kolocho Village, which lies on top of the hills of the Omo river. Geographically they are triangulated by Dasench, Hamer, and Mursi Tribes, and more tribes are found by their side.. The Karo’s who were rich ones with hundreds of cattle’s, now live on the valleys of Omo river, a sedentary farming life since they lost most their cattle due to a devastating outbreak of Animal disease that whips them all out. Inhabited the valleys of Omo river,
After the visit of the Karo Village we will drive back to Turmi where we look for a Bull Jumping in the Afternoon or the next day.
Drive back over night Turmi
Overnight Camping with the tribes or Lodge
Day 12 Excursion to Omorate, Monday Market day in Turmi
Drive from Turmi to Omorate where dasench people have a daily Market. The Village of Dasehnch people is just found over the opposite banks of Omo river . We will take local traditional Boat that is Craved out of a single wood to reach the Village.
The Daench have a more elaborated Beadles on their body and used to have a nomadic life style till they settled at their present area. We might be invited to a drink or Dance with them in their tribal Dance and Music.
Turmi lodge
Drive back Over night Turmi Camping with Tribes
Day 13 Turmi to Arbaminch
Morning drive back to arncminchOn the way you will pass thorugh Bena tribes and stemay tribes territories where they have a small Market at weyto village which happens on every Saturday. If you didn’t stop kosno and see their village we may have a chance to see knoso people and their Market too. After Lunch in Karta we will continue driving to Arbaminch.
Overnight Hotel or Lodge
Day 14 drive or fly back to Addis Ababa
End of tour fly back home