In a mountainous region of Lasta Roha, in northern Ethiopia, 11 churches Cut out of Rock in the 13th-century by King Lalibela. It is named as the ‘Second Jerusalem’. Lalibela is the holiest place and a place of pilgrimages and devotion for Ethiopian Christians.
The Rock-cut churches of Lalibela are wonders of the world. No word can describe it in full.
Types Of Rock-cut churches in Lalibela
There are two types of rock-cut churches they are called monolithic and semi-monolithic. Monolithic a standalone rock-cut church that is completely separated from the main rock. Semi-monolithic are structures were carved directly into the stone of the mountainside but not separated from the main rock.
Where to find Churches of Lalibela
The churches are not all in the same place. There are 3 main places where you can find them.
The Northern Group:Bet Medhane Alem, Bet Maryam group, Gologota, Debre Sina (Mika’el) Selassie Chapel .
The souther Group: Bet Emanuel, Bet Mercurios, Bet Abba Libanos, Bete Lehem and Bet Gabriel-Rufa’el.
The Western Group: Bet Gyorgis or House of St. George whichs, stands alone seprtaed from the others

Bete Medhanialem The bigest Chucrh

Bete Mariam The most Beloved Church

Bete Mikael and Gologotha church Lalibela The most Sacred

Bete Gabriel Rufael Church Lalibela -The Fortress

Bete Giorgis -or St. George The Iconic

Bete Amanuel- The Most beautiful

Bete Aba Libanos – St. Lalibela Memorial

Bete Merkorios- The Secular Place
the other two churches of Lalibela are Bete Denagill and Bete Meskel