After entering the gate and walk to the courtyard, you will face a glowing deep pink structure. That is the largest of the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela. It is 33.7 m. in length, 23.7 m. in width, and 11.5 m. in height. It measures an area of almost 800m².
It is Huge that has to be supported by 36 pillars from the inside and another 36 pillars surround the outside, Some believe the original Church of St. Mary of Axum is used as a model to design Bet Medhane Alem. The doorways exhibit the Axumite framework style.
The interior of the church is large, in size and plain it creates the atmosphere of a Cathedral. Some even Resemble it with Greek temple.

On the left side of one corner, there are 3 empty graves carved on the walls. They are symbols of Toombs of Adam, Jacob, and Yishak. The courtyard of Bete Medhanialem has cells that are used by hermits. It is connected and a proper way to go to the church of Bete Maryam.
On every Sunday and on the 5th of every month worshipers come to be blessed by Lalibela Cross. Hoping to be blessed or healed from sickness. This cross is the original possession of the Emperor Lalibela made of 7kg Gold.