This church is Lalibela’s memorial monument. But named after Abba Libanos, a famous Saint at the time. Abba Libanos church was built by Meskal Kibra wife of St. Lalibela as a memorial for her husband. It is said that it took only one night to build this church with the help of angels.
Many architectural features of the church, such as frieze decoration, are similar to the Aksum architecture. Interestingly, the outside of the church looks large, but the inside is small. The most notable feature of the church is that it is carved on the surface of a vertical cliff similar to Petra. It is a semi-monolithic church. Except for the roof, it is not separated from the main rock. The other three sides are carved in narrow tunnels completely separated from the surrounding rocks. The aisle and nave extend from east to west. Some Priests claim there is a little light In the middle of the altar, it shines day and night with its own power. The Altar is found the holy of holy section of the church where no one is allowed to enter.